Taas on kamaa kertynyt siihen malliin, että jostain päästä täytyy ruveta luopumaan. Osa näistä on siis ihan uutta tavaraa - mulla kun on tapana ostaa uutuustuotteita tai muuten harvinaisempia tarvikkeita ihan siltä varalta että joku muukin on niistä kiinnostunut. Olen ensi viikon Tampereella, joten voin ottaa kirjat mukaan vaikka Kädentaidot-messuille tai tai voidaan sopia jokin muu vaihtopaikka - postikin tietysti kulkee, ellei tärskyt jostain syystä onnistu (olen Suomessa 17.-25.11.). Niin ja valitan vääristyneitä kuvia, yritin välttää heijastuksia kameraa liikuttelemalla mutten oikein onnistunut.
'Joustavat' minipyöröt vaikkapa sukanneulontaan, paksuus 2,75 mm. Siimaosa tosiaan joustaa vähäsen ja puikko-osalla on pituutta sen verran että näitä on vähän helpompi pidellä kuin ihan mikromittaisia pyöröpuikkoja (puikko n. 7 cm, siima 13 cm, eli kokonaispituus n. 27 cm). Lisäksi siimaosuus on sen verran pehmeä, ettei se estä puikkojen heiluttelua. - Näitä uutuuspuikkoja oli myynnissä Rotterdamin Stitch'N'Bitch-päivän kauppiailla, muualla en ole näitä nähnyt. Hinta on kyllä kieltämättä aika korkea mutta a) mä ainakin tykästyin näillä neulomiseen ja b) hinta on aivan sama jolla ostin nämä itse, eli en vedä välistä. Kahdet puikot jäljellä, hinta 12€/kpl.
Samasta tapahtumasta kaksi ruotsalaista kirjaa, Tvåändsstickning ja Smygmaskvirkning + nimenomaan tähän tekniikkaan sopiva alumiininen koukku. Molemmat K. Jönssonin itsensä signeeraamia; mukaan tulee vielä englanninkieliset lisäohjeet. Hinta 25 €/kirja (koukku tulee tuon vasemmanpuolisen kirjan mukana).
Sitten kaksi "käytettyä" kirjaa - todellisuudessa nää on melkein uutta vastaavia. Kotoa alkaa yksinkertaisesti hyllytila loppua eli jotain täytyy tehdä. Näiden hinta 10€/kpl. (lisääkin saattaa tulla myyntiin jos ehdin ratsaamaan kirjahyllyä...mutta kun pakatakin pitäis ja käydä kaverilla kastelemassa kukkia ja töissäkin pitäis kai käydä näyttäytymässä...)
Varaukset hoituu varmaan helpoimmin kommentoimalla suoraan tähän postaukseen.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Obsessive-compulsive behaviour?
A few months ago I bought some Isager alpaca yarn at Maschenkunst. I guess that's when this obsession started. The yarn is like solified cream, it just flows through your fingers feeling wonderful. There's 800 metres per 100 grams, and the two first balls I went through didn't have one single knot in them.
The goal was to knit three Hyrna Herborgar shawls but somehow things got out of hand. The yarn just wouldn't end - not before I'd made five of them. Then, somehow, I got my hands tangled in Grignasco's ultrathin merinosilk, and finally, seven (or was it eight?) Hyrnas later, I think I'm done with this pattern. (except for the bashful wish of Mari who might talk me into knitting just one more...but that'll only happen after New Year.)
I'm just a tiny bit worried that the whole episode makes me qualify for some traits of obsessive-compulsive behaviour. Therefore, I tried to snap out of it and continue knitting...
squares. Dozens and dozens of squares. Next threat: repetitive strain injury?
This has to have something to do with the fabulous yarns of Maschenkunst. Even this Noro Kashmere Flavor was bought there.
Sorry, I've got to go back to this addictive pattern and material. Even on the way to work, a fellow passenger started yanking a bit of this shawl and asked what it was going to be. (Nothing for you, so will you let go of it, pleez?)
Nyt mie en sitten jaksakaan kirjoittaa samaa juttua enää suomeksi, mutta kyllähän te tuosta pysytte kärryllä. Täytyy tästä tosiaan palata tuon koukuttavan ruutuneulonnan kimppuun, mutta pläjäytetään tänne taas pari linkkiä kun en muista kenen kaverin kanssa näistä on ollut puhetta, ja voi näistä toki joku muukin olla kiinnostunut.
Ensin tuo yllä olevaan wikipedia-artikkeliin suomenkielinen linkki - siinä muuten on semmoinen kohta, jota EN-tekstissä ei näyttäisi olevan.
pakko-oireinen häiriö Pakko-oireiseksi potilas voidaan määritellä silloin, kun pakonomaiseen ajatuksiin tai toimintoihin menee aikaa yli kaksi tuntia päivässä tai oireista on muuten merkittävää haittaa ihmisen toimintakyvylle. --- Köhköh, on tainnut olla semmoisia päiviä, jolloin on tullut pisteltyä Hyrnaa yli kaksi tuntia päivässä, ja takaraivossa on vaan jyskyttänyt että "pakko saada valmiiksi, pakko saada valmiiksi".
Sitten olis tämmöinen särkyneiden sydänten taidenäyttely ja
kissojen vessakoulutusta. Tunnelmasta toiseen, sano. Ai juu, ja sitten vielä tää: tooosi reipas kissa
The goal was to knit three Hyrna Herborgar shawls but somehow things got out of hand. The yarn just wouldn't end - not before I'd made five of them. Then, somehow, I got my hands tangled in Grignasco's ultrathin merinosilk, and finally, seven (or was it eight?) Hyrnas later, I think I'm done with this pattern. (except for the bashful wish of Mari who might talk me into knitting just one more...but that'll only happen after New Year.)
I'm just a tiny bit worried that the whole episode makes me qualify for some traits of obsessive-compulsive behaviour. Therefore, I tried to snap out of it and continue knitting...
squares. Dozens and dozens of squares. Next threat: repetitive strain injury?
This has to have something to do with the fabulous yarns of Maschenkunst. Even this Noro Kashmere Flavor was bought there.
Sorry, I've got to go back to this addictive pattern and material. Even on the way to work, a fellow passenger started yanking a bit of this shawl and asked what it was going to be. (Nothing for you, so will you let go of it, pleez?)
Nyt mie en sitten jaksakaan kirjoittaa samaa juttua enää suomeksi, mutta kyllähän te tuosta pysytte kärryllä. Täytyy tästä tosiaan palata tuon koukuttavan ruutuneulonnan kimppuun, mutta pläjäytetään tänne taas pari linkkiä kun en muista kenen kaverin kanssa näistä on ollut puhetta, ja voi näistä toki joku muukin olla kiinnostunut.
Ensin tuo yllä olevaan wikipedia-artikkeliin suomenkielinen linkki - siinä muuten on semmoinen kohta, jota EN-tekstissä ei näyttäisi olevan.
pakko-oireinen häiriö Pakko-oireiseksi potilas voidaan määritellä silloin, kun pakonomaiseen ajatuksiin tai toimintoihin menee aikaa yli kaksi tuntia päivässä tai oireista on muuten merkittävää haittaa ihmisen toimintakyvylle. --- Köhköh, on tainnut olla semmoisia päiviä, jolloin on tullut pisteltyä Hyrnaa yli kaksi tuntia päivässä, ja takaraivossa on vaan jyskyttänyt että "pakko saada valmiiksi, pakko saada valmiiksi".
Sitten olis tämmöinen särkyneiden sydänten taidenäyttely ja
kissojen vessakoulutusta. Tunnelmasta toiseen, sano. Ai juu, ja sitten vielä tää: tooosi reipas kissa
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Great day, lousy photos
Greetings from Rotterdam, where the second Dutch Stitch'n Bitch Day took place on Saturday! Last year I'd planned going there, but due to a reason, wasn't in a fit state to do so. Even this year, although things weren't as dramatic, it seemed for a while that one might miss this experience again. However, after some last-minute negotiations I was heading for Rotterdam with a knitting friend, and had made arrangements to meet someone else at the fair. Hihi, won't reveal R's identity, but thank you very much for guiding us around!
So, I'd been waiting for this event for such a long time, yet somehow missed the slot when one could sign up for the workshops. There should have been a workshop on twined knitting, Japanese knitting and spinning, but by the time I found out how to sign up, they were fully booked. After that I sort of lost interest and didn't even print the programme, and now I realise that I missed some 'open' workshops and happenings too..but on the other hand, the day was packed as it was and don't know how I'd been able to fit anything else in it.
The fair is held at an old coffee factory, and all the wide spaces are a bit tricky to photograph. The side alleys with the vendors' stands were terribly crowded, but luckily there were several seating areas as well where you could just sit down for a minute, knit at the table, have some coffee and then continue, hopefully refreshed. Met some friends, made some new ones, and then there was one more surprise waiting: found my very first BookCrossing book ever, and once I've finished it, it'll travel to Finland and be released at a local crafts fair.
(I'll return to this posting later on and add some links to other blogs which will tell you more about this special day, but first I'll check their privacy policy.)
Here are direct links of the Dutch and foreign vendors.
And believe it or not, I'm still trying to reduce my yarn stash, so it was like torture to walk past all those yarn stands - so many brands and materials I'd never seen or touched. The colours of hemp and linen yarn were just delicious.
But you know me, I wouldn't just go to a crafts fair and buy nothing even though yarn was off-limits. Here's a selection of cotton fabrics which should turn into a bag lining. The one on the top should be just perfect for the black felted thingy presented some weeks ago, and then I just couldn't resist the two with knitting terms printed on them.
Kerstin Jönsson's workshop on twined knitting was fully booked, so I had to make do with her books. (Ostin näitä muuten tuplat ihan siltä varalta että joku muukin on kiinnostunut. Kirjat on siis upouusia ja signeerattuja - täytyis vaan löytää kuitit jotta voin pistää ne myyntiin. Mutta jos kiinnostaa, hihkaise vaikka kommenteissa.)
One of the things I love about these fairs is that you get to meet your knitting gurus, and although the thought had crossed my mind, I still didn't carry all my old books of Jean Moss to Rotterdam to be signed by her. Instead, just bought one more. Was glancing through this new one as well, but somehow managed to leave it at the stand.
Last but not least, a quick look at the paraphernalia I bought (although now looking at it, I should have put in a measure tape to give you an idea of the scale). Might add that later, but here goes:
On the left, a special crochet hook for the Bosnian crocheting (smygmaskvirkning) technique, then two ultrathin crochet hooks for adding tiny beads to knitwear and then the 'pièce de résistance', an elastic circular knitting needle for making socks. The novelty about this whole thing is that the cord stretches a bit and it's supposed to make knitting easier... and it does. The packaging says that the needle is 10 inches long but actually it's just a bit under 11 inches (27 centimetres which consists of 7 centimetre needles and the cord of 13 cm). Again, there are some extras - will return with the details later on. (hirvee hinta mutta kun nää on olevinaan maailmanuutuuksia ja patenttihakemus on sisässä niin kai sen ymmärtää. Tulevat Tampesteriin ihmeteltäviksi ja extrat tosiaan lähtee uusiin koteihin.)
This shows how effortlessly the size 9 beads slide onto the crochet hook.
So, I'd been waiting for this event for such a long time, yet somehow missed the slot when one could sign up for the workshops. There should have been a workshop on twined knitting, Japanese knitting and spinning, but by the time I found out how to sign up, they were fully booked. After that I sort of lost interest and didn't even print the programme, and now I realise that I missed some 'open' workshops and happenings too..but on the other hand, the day was packed as it was and don't know how I'd been able to fit anything else in it.
The fair is held at an old coffee factory, and all the wide spaces are a bit tricky to photograph. The side alleys with the vendors' stands were terribly crowded, but luckily there were several seating areas as well where you could just sit down for a minute, knit at the table, have some coffee and then continue, hopefully refreshed. Met some friends, made some new ones, and then there was one more surprise waiting: found my very first BookCrossing book ever, and once I've finished it, it'll travel to Finland and be released at a local crafts fair.
(I'll return to this posting later on and add some links to other blogs which will tell you more about this special day, but first I'll check their privacy policy.)
Here are direct links of the Dutch and foreign vendors.
And believe it or not, I'm still trying to reduce my yarn stash, so it was like torture to walk past all those yarn stands - so many brands and materials I'd never seen or touched. The colours of hemp and linen yarn were just delicious.
But you know me, I wouldn't just go to a crafts fair and buy nothing even though yarn was off-limits. Here's a selection of cotton fabrics which should turn into a bag lining. The one on the top should be just perfect for the black felted thingy presented some weeks ago, and then I just couldn't resist the two with knitting terms printed on them.
Kerstin Jönsson's workshop on twined knitting was fully booked, so I had to make do with her books. (Ostin näitä muuten tuplat ihan siltä varalta että joku muukin on kiinnostunut. Kirjat on siis upouusia ja signeerattuja - täytyis vaan löytää kuitit jotta voin pistää ne myyntiin. Mutta jos kiinnostaa, hihkaise vaikka kommenteissa.)
One of the things I love about these fairs is that you get to meet your knitting gurus, and although the thought had crossed my mind, I still didn't carry all my old books of Jean Moss to Rotterdam to be signed by her. Instead, just bought one more. Was glancing through this new one as well, but somehow managed to leave it at the stand.
Last but not least, a quick look at the paraphernalia I bought (although now looking at it, I should have put in a measure tape to give you an idea of the scale). Might add that later, but here goes:
On the left, a special crochet hook for the Bosnian crocheting (smygmaskvirkning) technique, then two ultrathin crochet hooks for adding tiny beads to knitwear and then the 'pièce de résistance', an elastic circular knitting needle for making socks. The novelty about this whole thing is that the cord stretches a bit and it's supposed to make knitting easier... and it does. The packaging says that the needle is 10 inches long but actually it's just a bit under 11 inches (27 centimetres which consists of 7 centimetre needles and the cord of 13 cm). Again, there are some extras - will return with the details later on. (hirvee hinta mutta kun nää on olevinaan maailmanuutuuksia ja patenttihakemus on sisässä niin kai sen ymmärtää. Tulevat Tampesteriin ihmeteltäviksi ja extrat tosiaan lähtee uusiin koteihin.)
This shows how effortlessly the size 9 beads slide onto the crochet hook.
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