Who wouldn't love to sew with these sewing machines.
And this mattress material reminds me of the experiments I did when I was little. Take a burning candle and test your mattress. It's amazing I'm still alive. Afterwards, the material felt just disgusting.
Now, if you have too many childhood dolls left, why not give them a good old red Indian treatment and harvest their scalps? You can use them to make a poodle.
Recognise them?
This exhibition was held in an old mansion, and one of its late owners was extremely interested in clothes and different kinds of puppets. While most of her collections have been moved into a separate museum, these old family premises still provide a nice venue for all all the rural objects and artefacts, like this traditional Finnish rug on the wall of the cafeteria there.
There were various types of puppets on display too, like this primitive cow.
And this couple was sort of keeping an eye on the whole room.
Again, some old craftmanship caught my eye - sunflower wood carvings.
And despite what you might think, these were pieces of art as well. They're called "Mission Impossible" I and II. Wonder why...
Tuon sinisen singerin harmaa serkku asustaa äitini luona. Tuli kotiin jouluna 1964 ja pelittää vieläkin mahtavasti. Jos muut ei ompele kyllä singeri vetää - on nimittäin poljettava ja sik-sak-kone. Äiti tienasi koneella leipää lapsille koko 60-luvun. Mahtava kone.
Oh, I fell in love with the sewing machine:-))))
Greetings from Cologne
merci pour tes reportages sur les expos!
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