Thursday, April 14, 2005

I'm not totally sure that this new active life is entirely beneficial

I know, I know. This is a knitting blog, but I've spent quite a lot of time in the forest instead of the sofa. And whatever you say, I'm not going to feel bad about it. I just wish I had a horse. A mountain bike is nice but every rider I see - or in fact, every pile of horse poo - makes me imagine having a horse and riding through the green areas of Brussels. In fact, the local police force employs horses as well, and I just love seeing those tall horses patrolling the area. Oh well, and the riding policemen as well. But it really seems like the horses were extra alert as well. Never seen them in full action, though, chasing anyone. That would be a sight for sore eyes.

Anyway, rambling again. The mountain bike it is for me, a heart rate monitor and a resolution not to return home until a certain amount of distance is covered, a certain amount of calories is burned and/or the sun has set and it's getting *really* dark. And here's a hot tip for the next birthday: how about a GPRS system and a transmitter so that I could give life footage over the internet of my whereabouts. Like a wild wolf or a bear. No? Then you'll just have to make do with the pictures I'm adding here. Follow the cycling route. Where was I? (and knitters please read on, there's some knitting content at the end of today's entry)