Kuvasta ei sitä erota, mutta vasemmalla reunalla kulkee mittanauha. Onhan pohjakankaassa paljon tyhjää tilaa, mutta koko korkeus oli siis 140 senttiä. Olo on aika tyhjä, mutta kieltämättä helpottunut - nyt tartun taas ihan uudella innolla neuleisiin.
Ta-dah! It's finally over and done with! I had given up hope (well, almost) of finishing this this summer, but the higher up in the flower I got, the quicker it went. There are still some areas I'm not 100% happy with, but just right now I don't feel like correcting them. I know there are lots of empty areas, but still, the whole works measures some 140 centimetres, so you could say it's more or less a real-size sunflower.
If there's anything good to say about this thing, it is that it really gave me new energy and inspiration to get back to knitting. Woo-hoo, can't wait!
Hi Anne,
do you need some ideas for new knitting projects? Just wait a bit, perhaps I've got some for you soon ;-).
The sunflower looks terrific!!!
from your SP
OI, tulipas tuosta ihana!
Whee! Hello Secret Pal - so nice to hear from you! Can't wait... ideas are always welcome.
Mustikka, kiitos kiitos. Niin minustakin :-) (tai no joo, oishan siinä paranneltavaa mutta on se kieltämättä aika vaikuttava kun läväyttää rullalla olleen kankaan auki).
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