And then came somebody and spoiled it all. -- Hmm. Normally all these "after" photos are spectacularly better than the "before" photos. I'm not quite convinced that's the case here.
Kunnes tuli joku ja pilasi kaiken. -- Outoa, yleensä näissä "ennen ja jälkeen" muodonmuutoksissa se lopputulos on kerrassaan upea alkutilanteeseen verrattuna. Tällä kertaa en ole täysin vakuuttunut.
Knitting has come to me quite naturally. Our whole family does something with their hands (knitting, crocheting, cross stitching), even my father has knitted himself mittens when he was only a boy. At the moment I'm really lucky, living in Central Europe and having a relatively easy access to German, French and British yarns. And that shows in my flat. I really enjoy all the different colours and the structures of the yarns and am always trying some new stuff, techniques, patterns. And this may sound like a cliché, but for me knitting is a journey, you never know what you're going to encounter on the way. Love the experience; whether I finish a garment or not is irrelevant.
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