Thursday, October 21, 2004

Jahans, tässä taas sekä aloitteleva digikuvaaja että aloitteleva bloggaaja esittelevät saumatonta yhteistyötään. Kuvat tulee ihan väärään järjestykseen. -- No, joka tapauksessa tämä on se Anttilan Keväthuumaus -biisiin tahdistettu pusero. Eli noinko monta kukkaa jo puhjennut on kevätnurmelle?

The inspiration and the name for this sweater project came from Sweden. Ever heard Sjösalavals by Evert Taube? It tells a story of Mr Rönnerdahl "waltzing outdoors one spring morning as the meadow is in bloom. Now an older but still joyful and vital man, he greets the spring, the squirrels, the cuckoo, and then waltzes back into the house, waking his wife and children, who share his joy and delight at the coming of spring." --And please bear with me - I'm a total beginner when it comes to digital photos as well as blogging. The pictures seem to come in a wrong order although I tried to click the photos and write my comments in a sequence.
 Posted by Hello

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