Wednesday, December 08, 2004

On a more positive note, there was something worth digging in that mountain of yarn. And now, if you excuse me, I'll dive back into my grey sea and see what else hides in there.Posted by Hello

Toisaalta tämmöiset löydöt tekee selvittelyn vaivan arvoiseksi. Kas kun sieltä seasta löytyy vaikka mitä. Ja nyt mä menen taas möyrimään siihen harmaaseen kasaani.


Strikkelise said...

Now you've got me curious! What's that?

AnneV said...

At this stage it's nothing but a swatch which I made with shades of grey and in a Horst Schultz-esque way. You just pick up the stitches from one side and continue knitting. One day this should be a full-size sweater (with dozens and dozens of yarn ends to hide somewhere). I like collecting certain colours and shades and then just mixing and matching them.