Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Almost the final product. Just that the left one is "au naturel", just as it was after taking it out of the washing machine, the right one has been fitted. The picture angle is not the most flattering - it really doesn't look that wide. Its form is just enhanced by placing it next to the original version. Posted by Hello

Tossujen melkein lopullinen olomuoto. Vertailun vuoksi vasen on luonnontilassa eli tuommoisena ongin sen pesukoneesta ulos. Oikeanpuoleista olen sovittanut ja vähän vanuttanut jalkaan sopivaksi. Tosin kuvakulma ei ole kovin mairitteleva - ei se oikeasti ihan noin leveältä näytä. Korostuu vaan toisen tossukan vierellä.


Anonymous said...

Töppöset on ainakin kivan väriset !!!

Jorun said...

I have never seen something like that before! You are truly creative...

AnneV said...

Juu, väreistä minäkin tykkäsin, vaikken sinisen ystävä olekaan. Se vihreä sekoittuu just sopivasti joukkoon.

(and thanks, but I don't really know whether I should be called creative or just plain lazy for not wanting any seams in them. But they were really quick to make and slicing with the knife was just added some sensation.)