Thursday, August 11, 2005


Just adding a few links of the places and activities in London (hey, besides shopping, I AM interested in other things).

On the subject of whether visiting London or not on the account of the recent attacs, see this website as well as this piece of news.

The biggest gathering of policemen I saw there. Not keeping an eye on the tube passengers but keeping animal activists out of a shop selling fur coats.

If you are interested in design and crafts, this is one of the places to visit. Right now there was an exhibition of African artists, 'Mixed belongings', and althought I missed the knitting exhibition , all hope is not lost, because it will return to London during the Knitting and Stitching show in October. The Crafts Council is situated rather near this new yarn shop, Loop.

Sorry for the poor quality of the photo but I just have to tell you this story. I had just visited the Crafts Council in Islington and was on my way to Loop (the yarn shop, remember). The flower shop owner came out, I asked for permission to take a photo of the flowers, and after that she asked whether I was going to visit the new yarn shop which was just around the corner. I had to admit that was the plan - but how could she know that? I wasn't carrying a knitting bag or yarns at that point.

Here's an outside view of Loop.

The locals are extremely innovative when giving names to their shops. From Clowd Cuckoo Land... Mad fashion *itch .

Tate Modern

Wow, visiting this place was a good idea. Great exhibitions, nice cafeterias, and to top it all, an extremely rare opportunity to spot endangered birds. Yes, I'm not joking. See the protruding chimney of the building above. That's where some of the world's fastest birds of prey keep an eye of the area. Peregrine falcons have enlarged their territory there, and The Royal Society for the protection of Birds had set up some binoculars for the members of the public. There we were, squinting to see these magnificent birds. I have no idea how many of them there are in Britain, but there should be a little more than 100 nesting couples in Northern Finland. (ja hihittelen taas ittekseni: JOS käyttäis taas otsikossa niitä musiikkijutskia, niin tähän kohtaan vois varmaan napata osan Riki Sorsan Muuttohaukasta: Ki-ki-kii, ki-ki-kii - vai olisko parempi sanoa että kikkikii, kikkikii?)

The museum itself is huge. I didn't even try to see it all, just concentrated on the Frida Kahlo exhibition . Here's my favourite painting of that show.

And finally, it's time to reveal the original reason why I wanted to visit London right now. There was a play play I wanted to see before the season ends. Here's a handy website to keep an eye on if you plan a trip to London.

And finally, here's a bonus for you who read the whole story: A male knitting artist's work.


Johanna said...

Kiitokset kulttuuripläjäyksestä linkkeineen! Mun viimeisimmästäkin Lontoon visiitistä on >10 vuotta, olisi varmaan aika järjestää itsensä sinne.

(I am not afraid.)

AnneV said...

Heh, puhu sinä tyttö kulttuurista vaan! Kumminkin livahtaisit Luuppiin heti kun silmä välttää.

Johanna said...

Täytyisihän sitä toki tutustua myös rahvaan käsityötaiteeseen ja materiaaleihin, joita paikallisesti käytetään. Loop voisi olla hyvinkin kiinnostava käyntikohde juuri tästä kansankulttuurillisesta näkökulmasta arvioituna. "Langan semiotiikka merkitystenantajana anglosaksisessa urbaanikulttuurissa".