Hey, it's TOO easy to find yarn in Italy. I had a list of more than 50 shops in Rome, and even without checking the details, I bumped into them. Funnily enough, I don't have any photos of the shops where I actually bought some yarn. They were just incredible: almost Ikea-style shelves full of yarn, from floor to ceiling.
Katja: tää on nyt vähän hassusti kun mä esittelen ensin lankoja, joita EN ostanut. Noi mukanani raahaamat langat on paljon tylsempiä kuin kuvissa näkyvät, mutta kyllä mä ne kaikki aikanaan esittelen.
Knitting has come to me quite naturally. Our whole family does something with their hands (knitting, crocheting, cross stitching), even my father has knitted himself mittens when he was only a boy. At the moment I'm really lucky, living in Central Europe and having a relatively easy access to German, French and British yarns. And that shows in my flat. I really enjoy all the different colours and the structures of the yarns and am always trying some new stuff, techniques, patterns. And this may sound like a cliché, but for me knitting is a journey, you never know what you're going to encounter on the way. Love the experience; whether I finish a garment or not is irrelevant.
Ihania lankoja...silmät kiiluen niitä täällä ihailen :)
what? Italy? yarn? hmmm... seems you can find stash in the most unexpected places, really ;-)
Hey, it's TOO easy to find yarn in Italy. I had a list of more than 50 shops in Rome, and even without checking the details, I bumped into them. Funnily enough, I don't have any photos of the shops where I actually bought some yarn. They were just incredible: almost Ikea-style shelves full of yarn, from floor to ceiling.
Katja: tää on nyt vähän hassusti kun mä esittelen ensin lankoja, joita EN ostanut. Noi mukanani raahaamat langat on paljon tylsempiä kuin kuvissa näkyvät, mutta kyllä mä ne kaikki aikanaan esittelen.
Hmmmm.... A haluais Roomaan. Pitäsköhän mun suostua? ;D
Niin no, jos vaihtoehtoina on Rooma ja toisaalta Normandian maihinnousurannikko, niin Roomasta on ainaki helpompi löytää lankaa...
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