Monday, June 13, 2005

Can I have them all?


Siniset Silmukat said...

Minä haluaisin ihan selvästi tämän... söpö

Anonymous said...

of course, they are so lovely...
But for now, I 'm in charge with about.... 8 cats... a long story...
and the latest is the black she-cat who had 6 kittens in my dressroom... and two of them are now in a new home, a very good one... by luck...

Hope I see you wednesday

AnneV said...

It's not fair. Some of us have 8 cats and some have none at all... I've just been trying to talk sense to myself: it's a really bad idea to export a kitten from Belgium, especially when I don't have a direct flight home. We would stop in Copenhagen, stay there a few hours and then continue. But I WANT a cat..oops, that's a real Freudian slip. The cat would live at my mother's, so it would be her cat and not mine.